Changing Text & Icons

Ticket for: Wishlist
Changing Text & Icons 1
Oct 12, 2023 10:17 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Oct 2023
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I am trying to change the text so when you hover over the icon, it no longer says 'Add to Favourites' and instead says 'Add to Wishlist'.

I would like to also change the icon from a heart to a star, but tried a few icon shortcodes from Font Awesome and other icon libraries, but it doesn't work.

Is there also a way to remove the menu feature? I do not need multiple wishlists. I'd like this to be simple so customers either have it on their 1 wishlist, or they don't.

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Changing Text & Icons 2
Azizul Raju
Oct 15, 2023

Welcome to PickPlugins.

We already have support to customize icons. I think you didn't select the Font-awesome version. From our Wishlist Settings => General, there is an option called Font-awesome version.

And I've already forwarded the other two feature requests to our Dev Team. They'll update our plugin.

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