categories menu order

Ticket for: Team Showcase
categories menu order 1
Jan 15, 2024 05:08 PM 2 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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how do i change the groups menu order? and how can i disable the "all" group as i dont want an option to see all?

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categories menu order 2
Azizul Raju
Jan 18, 2024

I'm here to guide you through disabling the "All" filter and customizing the menu order.

Disabling the "All" Filter:
1. Head to the Filterable settings. Under "Default active filter option," choose any filter other than "All." Screenshot:

Also, please set 'filter by' option to 'custom'.

2. Now copy the CSS code and paste it into the "Custom CSS" section under "Custom Scripts."

Code to copy:
.team-container .nav-filter .filter-group:first-child{
display: none !important;


Customizing Order:
To control the order you've to set up custom filter. Please refer to this screenshot for filter setup:

Choose a filter name (it can be anything you like) but Find the slug name under "Team Member" > "Team Groups." Not sure how to find the slug name? check this screenshot:

I'm here if you have any questions or need further assistance!

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Best Answer
categories menu order 2
Azizul Raju
Jan 16, 2024

I'm here to guide you through disabling the "All" filter and customizing the menu order.

Disabling the "All" Filter:
1. Head to the Filterable settings. Under "Default active filter option," choose any filter other than "All." Screenshot:

Also, please set 'filter by' option to 'custom'.

2. Now copy the CSS code and paste it into the "Custom CSS" section under "Custom Scripts."

Code to copy:
.team-container .nav-filter .filter-group:first-child{
display: none !important;


Customizing Order:
To control the order you've to set up custom filter. Please refer to this screenshot for filter setup:

Choose a filter name (it can be anything you like) but Find the slug name under "Team Member" > "Team Groups." Not sure how to find the slug name? check this screenshot:

I'm here if you have any questions or need further assistance!

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