Can I use post grid to display search results?

Can I use post grid to display search results? 1
Jan 29, 2018 10:07 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Dec 2017
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I'd love our search results to look like the pages where we use post grid. Can I use post grid for search results? Thanks.

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Can I use post grid to display search results? 1
Can I use post grid to display search results? 3
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Can I use post grid to display search results? 4
Jan 29, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Yes you can display post grid on search page, you will need to integrate with your, please note this feature only available in premium version.

Please see the documentation here


Let me know if you need more help.


Can I use post grid to display search results? 5
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One other issue. It's search after getting four characters. Would be great if it waited for a return.

Can I use post grid to display search results? 5
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Same problem with search results. If you enter a search term in the search box on the home page (left side under guides) it is now creating a search results page using post-grid and the phrase is in the search term box. But it searches for nothing automatically. then you can click into the box and hit enter/return to generate the result. How do we get rid of the auto search and/or how do we get it to do the search on the term it is getting? Very odd. Thanks for your help.

Can I use post grid to display search results? 5
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Working on that though the theme I'm using is making it tricky.

A related question – I'm trying out the search function on a post grid. I'm toying with sending users to the page to search instead of using the builtin wordpress search. But it searches before I input anything. I'm hoping (expecting) that his is a stupid Jean trick. Did I change a setting that's doing that?
The filter function is working beautifully here:

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