Can I make the bg color of headers in Accordion plugin a gradient?

Can I make the bg color of headers in Accordion plugin a gradient? 1
Nov 06, 2018 07:08 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2018
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Hi there. I'm having to ask this question again because something is wrong with your forum login. You responded to my initial question last night and I was asked to login to answer your response. I was already logged in on your site but followed the link to login anyway. Unfortunately the question/thread would not recognize I was logged in and would not let me respond.

So, can I make a gradient in the headers of Accordion plugin?


I purchased the premium version too btw.

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Can I make the bg color of headers in Accordion plugin a gradient? 1
Can I make the bg color of headers in Accordion plugin a gradient? 3
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Can I make the bg color of headers in Accordion plugin a gradient? 4
Nov 06, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Sorry for late reply, i hope you have already answer via forum here


Can I make the bg color of headers in Accordion plugin a gradient? 5
- Nov 09, 2018 02:20 PM
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Yeah I got it to work before I saw your last message about overriding the code with "!important." I just needed to list the inactive bg style BEFORE the active bg style in the Custom Scripts. Listing the inactive style AFTER the active style broke the code and it wouldn't work.

Thanks for your help. Greatly appreciated.

Can I make the bg color of headers in Accordion plugin a gradient? 6
- Nov 09, 2018 09:42 AM
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I did forget to mention you need to override by "!important"

#accordions-2057 .ui-state-active {
background-image: linear-gradient(#A0C74A, #6F921D) !important;

i can see the gradient is working fine from my side. can you please clear browser cache and try hard refresh.

Can I make the bg color of headers in Accordion plugin a gradient? 5
- Nov 09, 2018 01:38 AM
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Thanks for the response. Those are the style names I was using and I still couldn't figure out why it wasn't working.

After many tests, it turns out that if I listed the ACTIVE bg code before the INACTIVE bg code, the INACTIVE bg code would take precedent and cancel out the ACTIVE bg code. So, if I list the INACTIVE code first both backgrounds are now set to gradients. Really weird. Must be the whole "cascade" thing which can be very complicated.

Thanks again

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