Blog and other pages do not open when installing the plugin

Blog and other pages do not open when installing the plugin 1
Jan 19, 2024 06:28 PM 1 Answers
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Hello. When installing the plugin, Blog and other pages do not open. For example page

Install the plugin (I removed it) and check the situation, please. I love your plugin and use it on several sites. Doesn't work on this site. I provide you with admin access to the site.

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Blog and other pages do not open when installing the plugin 2
Jan 21, 2024

Welcome to PickPlugins
Thanks for reporting the issue and login access, i have tried to investigate the issue.

i can see there is conflict with "WPBakery Page Builder" masonry blog grid element,

i am not sure why the fire "the_content" hook in the loop, this is causing infinite loop which is result 500 error and page is not loading.

i will check and solve if possible.

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