Big issues after updating Job Manager

Ticket for: Job Board Manager
Big issues after updating Job Manager 1
Aug 27, 2019 01:57 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2019
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Looks like you have completely changed Jm and I do not understand anything!
I used job feed to share offers on social networks and I can not find it anymore!
How do we define the methods now?
How is the logo placed?

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Big issues after updating Job Manager 1
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Big issues after updating Job Manager 4
Aug 27, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Yes, we have re-written job board manager plugin. but don't worry. i can help you.

Can you please show me what are you talking about? do you use our job feed plugin?


Big issues after updating Job Manager 6
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I want to share my offers on social networks

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