Bad experience

Bad experience 1
May 15, 2016 06:03 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2016
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It was such a bad experience ordering from you guys. I paid and 3 hours later still do not have my licence keys. Now i have requested a refund and that will probably take forever as well.
They wrote to me saying I cancelled my order which I did not. Obviously they can see the money in their account so they know I have paid.
I would not encourage anyone to purchase any of these plugins.

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Bad experience 2
May 15, 2016

Apologize for late reply,
I have already replied your mail.
your access should made instantly after completed the payment but its might be issue bad happening with you.
I can see your canceled order with payment already made. the issue sometime happening for following reason
# you take long time to complete the payment
# payment screen unexpectedly closed.
# cookie got expired during payment.
# and payment gateway server issue.
We are really sorry to see this is happening with you. if you still need the product i can manually complete the order and you can access to download otherwise i will submit refund request to our payment gateway.
Let me know if you still interested in our plugin.

Bad experience 3
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Thanks for your reply & you are welcome. Regards

Bad experience 3
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Thanks for the refund. I am no longer interested.

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