Ajax pagination hidden page 2

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Ajax pagination hidden page 2 1
robert lodi
Dec 29, 2022 03:01 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2021
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OK - so - if i choose regular pagination, i get 4 pages and they load page-2, page-3, etc. That works, but it isn't what the designer wants. If I choose ajax pagination, the first "page" loads, but if I click to page 2, nothing shows up. I can see in the source code that the data is there, just the page is empty. And actually I can see the pointer change when i hover links. So - something is there, just invisible? I do not see any javascript errors in the console... it is very strange. I get the same result if I choose "load more" pagination as well. Any ideas welcome. I am using v2.2.21 and pro v3.3.o.

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Ajax pagination hidden page 2 1
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Ajax pagination hidden page 2 4
Azizul Raju
Dec 29, 2022

I can see under layer-wrapper you've added the opacity:0 CSS property. Kindly remove the CSS to fix the issue.
Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/jTLNFVd.png

Ajax pagination hidden page 2 5
Azizul Raju
- Dec 31, 2022 02:39 PM
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Glad to know that you’ve fixed the issue.
Let us know if you’ve found any more issues.

Ajax pagination hidden page 2 6
robert lodi
- Dec 29, 2022 07:24 PM
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Thank you Azizul. I have no idea where that css is coming from. but i do see it in there. and when I turn it off in inspect it works just like you said. now to fix it for real.

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