After updating to Job Board Manager 2.0.26. The single job page not working.

After updating to Job Board Manager 2.0.26. The single job page not working. 1
Nov 19, 2017 11:03 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2017
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I need help please. After updating to Job Board Manager 2.0.26. The single job page not working. I even add the

add_action('job_bm_action_before_single_job', 'job_bm_action_before_single_job', 10);
add_action('job_bm_action_after_single_job', 'job_bm_action_after_single_job', 10);

function job_bm_action_before_single_job() {
echo '';

function job_bm_action_after_single_job() {
echo '';


Still not working, Help please

2 Subscribers
After updating to Job Board Manager 2.0.26. The single job page not working. 1
After updating to Job Board Manager 2.0.26. The single job page not working. 3
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After updating to Job Board Manager 2.0.26. The single job page not working. 4
Nov 19, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please send me link of job page?


After updating to Job Board Manager 2.0.26. The single job page not working. 5
- Jan 18, 2018 11:06 PM
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Hi, I had the same issue. Also, there's a few sections of text missing on the back-end settings, and some of the shortcodes don't seem to work (client_job_list, job_bm_my_account, job_bm_job_edit). Will there be an update for the latest version of WP? If so, will try again. Thanks.

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