Admin Settings not loading anymore

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Admin Settings not loading anymore 1
Hannes Geist
Jan 16, 2024 03:26 AM 3 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hello, the "Settings" page in the admin of "Combo Blocks" does not load anymore. No message in console or anything.

I dont want your blocks. Please make them a separate product or keep them disabled if i choose so! They are an additional performance hazard, especially since they are so so many.

If you dont remove your blocks or make them optional again and KEEP that setting on updates, i will have to uninstall and cancel my subscription in the future.

Hannes Geist

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Admin Settings not loading anymore 2
Azizul Raju
Jan 18, 2024

Hi Hannes,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience! We truly appreciate your feedback and take it seriously.

We're happy to announce that the issue you reported with the broken "Settings" page has been fixed in the latest update, version 2.2.68. You can download it now and enjoy a fully functional settings page!

We also heard your valuable suggestion about adding a "Disable Blocks" option, and we're thrilled to let you know it's now available in the settings page! You can find it conveniently located here -

While we understand your concerns about potential performance issues, we want to assure you that our Gutenberg blocks are constantly under development and being optimized for efficiency with every update. We're dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience.
Of course, you're under no pressure at all, but if you have the time and interest, we would love for you to explore our blocks further. You might be surprised at their capabilities and functionality:

We apologize again for any inconvenience caused by the previous issue. We value your feedback and are committed to improving our plugin based on your needs.

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Best Answer
Admin Settings not loading anymore 2
Azizul Raju
Jan 16, 2024

Hi Hannes,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience! We truly appreciate your feedback and take it seriously.

We're happy to announce that the issue you reported with the broken "Settings" page has been fixed in the latest update, version 2.2.68. You can download it now and enjoy a fully functional settings page!

We also heard your valuable suggestion about adding a "Disable Blocks" option, and we're thrilled to let you know it's now available in the settings page! You can find it conveniently located here -

While we understand your concerns about potential performance issues, we want to assure you that our Gutenberg blocks are constantly under development and being optimized for efficiency with every update. We're dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience.
Of course, you're under no pressure at all, but if you have the time and interest, we would love for you to explore our blocks further. You might be surprised at their capabilities and functionality:

We apologize again for any inconvenience caused by the previous issue. We value your feedback and are committed to improving our plugin based on your needs.

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Best Answer
Admin Settings not loading anymore 4
Jan 16, 2024

Welcome to PickPlugins

Don't worry, we are working for this, please allow use few days.


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