Add search to filterable grid?

Add search to filterable grid? 1
Jan 20, 2017 12:24 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2017
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Hello, I recently purchased the premium version. I would like to add the 'search' feature to the filterable grid as well.

I am currently using the flat layout with category sort buttons at top of page. I would like to add the search at the beginning of that list. This would allow visitors to search specifically as well as sort excerpts by category. It is quite possible that the plugin allows for this already and I have not yet discovered how it is accomplished. Could you please advise me? Thank you

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Add search to filterable grid? 1
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Add search to filterable grid? 4
Jan 20, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Search only wok with when "Grid Type > Grid" selected , would not work correctly with "" style grid.

Please see the screenshot how to enable search


Let me know for more help.



Add search to filterable grid? 5
- Jan 20, 2017 10:09 AM
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Please see the features here and how to setup "filterable" style grid

i would like to refund you if these aren't works for you.


Add search to filterable grid? 6
- Jan 20, 2017 01:27 AM
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On another not I forgot to ask about. When the layout is set for filterable I would like to show all post with pagination using add more posts to infinite scroll. I do not want to limit results to a set number, but I do not want all to show either without some sort of pagination of results..

Add search to filterable grid? 6
- Jan 20, 2017 01:22 AM
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Hmm, I guess I do not understand how that is not possible since I have seen other plugins that do it. So is it not at all possible or would require too much work? I hate to swap out plugins to add this feature if not necessary, I would not mind paying extra for custom work.

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