accordions does not display data from a table

Ticket for: Accordions
accordions does not display data from a table 1
Russ Johnson
Oct 09, 2020 09:05 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Oct 2020
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I have a table with 1470 rows of selection criteria.  Accordions does not display the data, does not provide the ability to select primary, secondary, and 3 rd level tiers of the accordion menu.


How do I use the contents of a database and select the tiering and sorting options necessary to display the data correctly?



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accordions does not display data from a table 1
accordions does not display data from a table 3
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accordions does not display data from a table 4
Oct 09, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Could you please send me some screenshot or page url where and how you are trying to display our plugin?


accordions does not display data from a table 5
- Oct 09, 2020 11:03 AM
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you probably sending me accordions preview url, please send me the page url where you used the shortcode, also i notice few javaScripts error on your page, you should fixed these first. i can't see any tables you are using.

accordions does not display data from a table 6
Russ Johnson
- Oct 09, 2020 09:39 AM
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I could provide you with a login if that would help.


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