Accordions completely changed in Admin?

Accordions completely changed in Admin? 1
Oct 16, 2018 12:28 PM 1 Answers General
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I recently updated Accordions to Version 2.1.2 but now when I go to add a listing to the sidebar on my site,, in admin mode, I'm presented with a totally different screen than what I've been used to. Among many other things, I can no longer find a way to switch from Visual to Text.  In general, I can't make head or tails of this new screen.  Was it changed with the last update or am I doing something wrong?

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Accordions completely changed in Admin? 2
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Accordions completely changed in Admin? 3
Oct 16, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Yes, we have update admin settings for accordion on version 2.1.0

Please give us feedback if you found any error,

Can you please debug the accordion edit page and see the console errors. please send me a screenshot of console area. i hope issue can be fixed.


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