I have an accordion with 15 items. I wanted to change the item order and move the last item to the top and noticed that if I click on the last item to move it I always will move the last 8 items together, it's not possible to move one single item of the last 8. With the first 7 items on the top all working fine, I can move a single item, but the last 8 are fixed into a kind of a closed block. The problem's occuring in firefox and graphically even worse in chrome. On server latest php and mysql versions running...
Maybe there is something with following error notices which I get with firefox inspector:
ReferenceError: reference to undefined property "returnValue"
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TypeError: a is undefined
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ReferenceError: reference to undefined property "traditional"
ReferenceError: reference to undefined property "username"
ReferenceError: reference to undefined property 200
ReferenceError: reference to undefined property 0

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Probably these js error on console area causes the issue.
Can you please deactivate others plugin one by one to check these js error on console, please try to find which plugin conflicting.
Let me know the result.
Thanks for you login access, i have also replied your mail with solution.