Accordions by PickPlugins – Pro inserting code into page

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
Accordions by PickPlugins - Pro inserting code into page 1
laura fuller
Nov 03, 2022 07:16 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2020
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Hello. We have version 2.2.64 of Accordions and version 1.0.1 of Pro. Recently, the accordions broke sitewide. When I do a view source, I see the plugin is injecting javascript and css into the page. But even when I disable wpautop, the accordions are still broken.

You can see the problem on this page under the "Our treatment for mid-life and older adults includes" header.

Please let me know if it is possible to fix this problem, and if so, when it might be done.

Thank you.

Stuart Green

2 Subscribers
Accordions by PickPlugins - Pro inserting code into page 1
Accordions by PickPlugins - Pro inserting code into page 3
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Accordions by PickPlugins - Pro inserting code into page 4
Azizul Raju
Nov 05, 2022

Hi Laura,

We tried to log in to your site but failed. However, we have released another update 2.2.65. Could you please install the latest version and give it a try? We believe the latest version will fix the issue for you. 

Also, you previously mentioned that you're using the pro version 1.0.1! But the latest pro version is 1.0.6. I suggest you update the pro version as well. You can download the latest pro version from here

Let us know the update.


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