I have problems with the authorization.
Besides the administrator, I have two main roles. The editor and the Zettel. The Zettel should only be able to access the accordion and make changes there. He does not have to create or ... It is only about customizations. It's the same with the editor.
I have tried to make additions in functions.php so that this works but I can't do it. On the one hand I have problems with the authorization for the Zettel and on the other hand the accordion is not displayed for the editor. What do I have to adjust in the following code so that it works.
// 4. Accordion-Menü für Zettel und Redakteur hinzufügen, falls es nicht automatisch angezeigt wird
function add_accordion_menu_for_zettel() {
if (current_user_can('zettel') || current_user_can('editor')) {
'All Accordions',
'manage_options', // ÄNDERUNG: Berechtigung auf "manage_options" gesetzt
add_action('admin_menu', 'add_accordion_menu_for_zettel', 5);
// 5. Admin-Menü für Zettel und Redakteur einschränken, sodass nur das Accordion-Plugin sichtbar ist
function restrict_admin_menu_for_zettel() {
if (current_user_can('zettel') || current_user_can('editor')) {
remove_menu_page('index.php'); // Dashboard
remove_menu_page('upload.php'); // Media
remove_menu_page('edit.php'); // Posts
remove_menu_page('edit-comments.php'); // Comments
remove_menu_page('edit.php?post_type=page'); // Seiten
remove_menu_page('themes.php'); // Appearance
remove_menu_page('plugins.php'); // Plugins
remove_menu_page('users.php'); // Users
remove_menu_page('tools.php'); // Tools
remove_menu_page('options-general.php'); // Settings
remove_menu_page('wpcf7'); // Contact Form 7, falls aktiv
global $submenu;
foreach ($submenu as $key => $value) {
if ($key !== 'edit.php?post_type=accordions') {
add_action('admin_menu', 'restrict_admin_menu_for_zettel', 999);
// 6. Benötigte Berechtigungen nur für Accordions hinzufügen
function add_custom_capabilities() {
$roles = array('zettel', 'editor');
foreach ($roles as $role_name) {
$role = get_role($role_name);
if ($role) {
// Berechtigungen für Accordions
$role->add_cap('edit_accordions'); // Bearbeiten von Accordions
$role->add_cap('publish_accordions'); // Veröffentlichen von Accordions
$role->add_cap('read_private_accordions'); // Private Accordions lesen
$role->add_cap('delete_accordions'); // Löschen von Accordions
$role->add_cap('edit_others_accordions'); // Andere Accordions bearbeiten
$role->add_cap('delete_others_accordions'); // Andere Accordions löschen
$role->add_cap('edit_private_accordions'); // Private Accordions bearbeiten
$role->add_cap('edit_published_accordions'); // Veröffentlichten Accordions bearbeiten
$role->add_cap('delete_published_accordions'); // Veröffentlichten Accordions löschen
$role->add_cap('manage_options'); // ÄNDERUNG: "manage_options" Berechtigung hinzugefügt
add_action('init', 'add_custom_capabilities');
I am looking forward to your feedback and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Best regards
Harry Würgler

Hi, It's working on our end. Plz watch this youtube video - https://youtu.be/j2nlvJWam-Q?si=hw8DsUZD2YdHao1D

Hi, We apologize for taking too much time to fix this issue. Our team is working on it, and hopefully, we'll release the update today. Thank you for your patience.