accordion works in internet explorer but not in google chrome

Ticket for: Accordions
accordion works in internet explorer but not in google chrome 1
Zillah Holtkamp
Nov 26, 2019 05:40 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2019
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I installated de wordpress plugin accordions. It is working in internet explorer but in chrome it stays a list instaid of accordion.

The page is:

Can you tell me how I can make it work in chrome?

Thank you,
Zillah Holtkamp

2 Subscribers
accordion works in internet explorer but not in google chrome 1
accordion works in internet explorer but not in google chrome 3
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accordion works in internet explorer but not in google chrome 4
Nov 27, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

I just checked your page, can see there is a js error on your page, please see the screenshot

this issue is happening when scripts file called at footer, but accordion js file needs to load on header. if you please send me a temporary admin access to your site then i could check the issue.



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