Accordion: top two accordions don’t open on mobile

Accordion: top two accordions don't open on mobile 1
Nov 23, 2018 07:55 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2018
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Sorry, asking this again as there is further information and no need to make this private.

On a vertical phone, the top two accordions don't open when touched, others work fine. On a horizontal phone, all the accordions work just fine. All work fine on desktop too.

If I move the 3rd one to the top, it no longer opens - so it is some position thing...?

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Accordion: top two accordions don't open on mobile 1
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Accordion: top two accordions don't open on mobile 4
Nov 23, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

it's probably element position conflict on mobile, can you please send me your accordion page url?


Accordion: top two accordions don't open on mobile 5
- Nov 23, 2018 08:16 PM
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Although it would be nice to know what had caused the problem… In an interim, I had also tried out another accordion plugin and it seemed to work just fine in all situations, i.e.: without the text added to push the accordion further down the page.

Accordion: top two accordions don't open on mobile 5
- Nov 23, 2018 09:11 AM
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I have since 'fixed' this by adding some text before the accordions, which pushed them further down the page and now they work. A workable solution I guess…

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