Accordion Open When Page Loads

Accordion Open When Page Loads 1
Mike Kronenberg
Jul 02, 2024 02:09 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Currently, the accordion on my site are entirely closed by default. I would like it so that when a viewer opens this page, only the first accordion layer is automatically open, and the rest of the layers are closed. How do I do this?

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Accordion Open When Page Loads 2
Azizul Raju
Jul 03, 2024

Yes, it's possible! In the Accordion content section, expand the specific accordion and you will see an option called "is active?" Just set its value to "yes".
Screenshot One:
Screenshot Two:

Also, under accordion options, the 'keep expanded others' value is set to 'yes'.

Note: Without the pro version, you won't be able to access the "is active" option. You have purchased our pro version. Here is the link to make a purchase -

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