Accordion – Import 3rd party

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
Accordion - Import 3rd party 1
Jun 16, 2020 04:56 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hi. I started an import under 3rd party importfrom Ultimate FAQ which had 15 \"questions\". Now the import won\'t stop. After 1 hour I had 503 imported FAQs. I have tried to deactivate both plugins and reinstall them. I have even had both plugins deactivated and uninstalled for a week and just installed Accordion Again and even now it says importing and keep on processing. I have not installed Ultimate FAQ again so it doesn\'t collect any data but probably use a lot of workload on my website.  What can I do?

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Accordion - Import 3rd party 2
Jun 16, 2020

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