accordion header id value

Ticket for: Accordions
accordion header id value 1
May 17, 2023 08:31 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Aug 2019
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When building the accordion there should be a place to enter a heading value you would like (possibly force it through a slug encoder) so that when you are linking the specific header to have it open it can be human readable and not a random string like


For instance, when you add the \"header\" it should allow to add \"header id (letters, numbers, underscore and dash only. No Spaces)\"

barring that, you should at least display the header id value so that we don\'t need to either view source or inspect on the page to get it

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accordion header id value 1
accordion header id value 3
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accordion header id value 4
Azizul Raju
May 17, 2023

Hi Jim,
Welcome to PickPlugins.

I'm going to pass this request to our Dev team, and hopefully they'll consider this.


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