accordion does not appear on page in portrait mode

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
accordion does not appear on page in portrait mode 1
wayne rhodes
Oct 30, 2023 01:27 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hi: we have 3 different accordions on our web site, on 3 different pages. Two of them work great. The third one works fine on a PC, and in landscape on an iPad. It does NOT appear at all in portrait on the iPad and not at all on my Android mobile phone (portrait or landscape). The page in question is and the accordion is 1969. I have checked it against the other accordions and don't see any difference in parameters.

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accordion does not appear on page in portrait mode 2
Azizul Raju
Oct 30, 2023

Welcome to PickPlugins.

I can see on the same page you have added the same accordion(same ID) for desktop and mobile.

Please duplicate your accordion by following my screenshot -
A new unique ID will automatically be created.
Now you can use this accordion for mobile.

In short, you can't use multiple accordions with the same ID.

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