Hi PickPlugins team,
How does one change the style of content text within Accordion containers to normal? It seems that the default style of paragraphs is in bold / heavy, but not in numbered/bulleted lists where it is normal.
How can line spacing within paragraphs be increased?
Please head over here to have a look at our Accordions: http://europdevconsulting.com/trademissions/asean2019/.
Thanks in advance,
Welcome to our forum.
The accordion content style will override by your post/page content if you use shortcode inside post/page content, Please see this screenshot i don't see any difference from your page content and accordion content except line height issue.
although you can apply your own css by adding custom CSS, you can use following css selector
.accordions .accordion-content{} /* or */ /* Where 123 is accordion id*/ #accordions-123 .accordion-content{}
Let me know for more help.