About the view of the pictures?

About the view of the pictures? 1
Jun 24, 2017 11:10 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jun 2017
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Hello, using post grid to show my page projects infront of the site, alot of the pictures, inside the pages, are displayed in different size.

Check the picture for example:


It doesn't matter if the pictures have the same resize, few of them looks little or bigger of the rest. Why is that and how can i fix it?

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About the view of the pictures? 1
About the view of the pictures? 3
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About the view of the pictures? 4
Jun 24, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Please try Fixed height for "Media Height"




About the view of the pictures? 5
- Jul 05, 2017 02:00 PM
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Your first image on this screenshot https://prnt.sc/friu7m bit smaller than others, you could decrease "Fixed height" value little to fix the issue. please see the screenshot.



About the view of the pictures? 6
- Jul 05, 2017 01:03 AM
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For example, using first pic, i'm getting the problem, using the second, there is no problem. Even if i change the resolution to the first picture like the second, still,… is the problem somewhere deeper in the saved format of the picture or? I cannot understand why the plugin is breaking random pictures and the Fixed option doesn't want to work on them?
1. – http://img7.anidb.net/pics/anime/202440.jpg
2. – https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/images/manga/2/148055l.jpg

About the view of the pictures? 6
- Jul 04, 2017 08:13 PM
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Hello there. I've got another question, cuz another problem. I've added new project and the picture again is smaller than the rest. All others are order in same line, where my new one is smaller?
Check the picture.
If i use link from old picture, there is no problem, but with the newer i have uploaded, it's getting smaller than the rest. It's not about the resolution or format, i've tryed everyting? The options are in Fixed, so i couldn't be any problem there? Why is that now? 🙂

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