2 Questions formatting in Layout Editor

2 Questions formatting in Layout Editor 1
Jul 16, 2016 10:14 AM 2 Answers General
Member Since Jun 2016
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  1. I've tried putting text-decoration:bold; to the read more in the layout editor, but my read more still won't bold. How can I make it bold?
  2. How can put the dot dot dot (...) at the end of my excerpts?

Thanks much!

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2 Questions formatting in Layout Editor 2
Jul 20, 2016

Welcome to our forum,
#1, its should be font-weight: bold; to make bold text.

font-weight: bold;

#. Custom read more text only available in "Read more" item , if you can't see it please re-add , (remove older and then again add "Read more")
you will see input fields for Read more text

2 Questions formatting in Layout Editor 3
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I think I didn’t ask the question correctly. I actually need the […] after the EXCERPT text NOT after the read more text. Is there a way to do that? Here’s a link to one of my blog pages and you’ll see what I mean. http://kimmcdougal.com/blog/recipes/

2 Questions formatting in Layout Editor 3
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I’m sorry I think I confused you. I need the […] after the excerpt text but NOT after the read more text. Is there a way to do that? Here’s a link to my blog page and you’ll see what I mean. http://kimmcdougal.com/blog/recipes/

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2 Questions formatting in Layout Editor 5
Jul 20, 2016

Does anyone have an answer to my question #2? I still haven't figured out how to add {...} to end of my excerpts. Thanks!

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  1. YAY I was able to fix one of my problems (#1 question). I put this code in font-weight: bold; in the Read more box in layout editor and that fixed it! This will help someone else who may have the same question I did.

    Now, I still need help with question #2.

  2. YAY I was able to fix one of my problems (#1 question). I put this code in font-weight: bold; in the Read more box in layout editor and that fixed it! This will help someone else who may have the same question I did.

    Now, I still need help with question #2.

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