2+ job paid listings in single WooCommerce order

2+ job paid listings in single WooCommerce order 1
Jun 10, 2019 03:47 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jun 2019
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Hi, we offer paid job listings with only 1 listing available per product (job_bm_pl_limit = 1 )

When our user buys 2 or more "products" during single checkout, the system does not grant them that many listings, but he/she can add only one job.

The formula should go like this:

(job_bm_pl_limit) x (order quantity) = no. of listings bought

We assume there is no calculation regarding product quantity during checkout. How can we fix this and let our users buy more listing in single WooCommerce order?

Thank you.

2 Subscribers
2+ job paid listings in single WooCommerce order 1
2+ job paid listings in single WooCommerce order 3
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2+ job paid listings in single WooCommerce order 4
Jun 10, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

I will check the issue and try to fix.

Will let you know the update.


2+ job paid listings in single WooCommerce order 5
- Jul 03, 2019 01:17 PM
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It has been 2 weeks…did you have a look at the issue, please?

2+ job paid listings in single WooCommerce order 5
- Jun 17, 2019 02:25 PM
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Hi, any progress with our issue?

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