2.0.19 – Emtpy OTP submission notice – User Verification

Ticket for: User Verification
2.0.19 – Emtpy OTP submission notice - User Verification 1
Oct 11, 2023 08:30 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Oct 2023
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I have rolled back to version 2.0.19 to use Woocommerce OTP

On login screen after send OTP if an user clicks on login button without entering the OTP, the error message shown is

  • Error: The password field is empty.

Ideally, it should show the error as

Error: OTP should not empty.

Please guide / fix.


P.S. You can test at https://pptest1.instawp.xyz/my-account/ and use the email ID as test1@test.com

2 Subscribers
2.0.19 – Emtpy OTP submission notice - User Verification 1
2.0.19 – Emtpy OTP submission notice - User Verification 3
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2.0.19 – Emtpy OTP submission notice - User Verification 4
Oct 12, 2023

Thank you  for reporting the issue, we will fix and update soon.

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