1 column on mobile

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
1 column on mobile 1
Jun 20, 2023 08:38 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jun 2023
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Dear supporters,

I have tried to set the grid layout to 1 column (or none) for mobile devices. The previes seems OK, but on my mobile device remain 2 columns. I have reloaded the page and cleaned cache.

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1 column on mobile 1
1 column on mobile 3
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1 column on mobile 4
Azizul Raju
Jun 21, 2023

Could you please share the link?
Please note the breakpoints for the phone 0 to 360px. You can set the column number on the tablet to get the desired output.

1 column on mobile 5
Azizul Raju
- Jun 22, 2023 12:43 PM
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Unfortunately, I can see the responsive grid setting isn’t working perfectly! Sometimes it shows an unexpected result. We’ll fix this issue in our next update.

1 column on mobile 6
- Jun 21, 2023 01:31 PM
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You wrote: “You can set the column number on the tablet to get the desired output.” And that does the trick!
Curious however, to set the number of columns for tablet, to get the desired output for phone (or do I miss something?)
Anyway, thanks a lot. Enjoy the day.

1 column on mobile 6
- Jun 21, 2023 01:27 PM
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Hi Azizul,

You’ll find the Post Grid on these 2 pages:
Thanks for your help.
Regards, Jeroen

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