Support may delay or unavailable from 30-03-2025 to 10-04-2025 due to Eid Holyday break.

Best Wishlist Plugin for WordPress

Our Wishlist plugin is a great way to help users save products they are interested in later. It can also be used to generate leads or increase sales. It’s really simple and easy to use and has a wide range of features. We have added ready support for WooCommerce with a variety of features so you can display the wishlist button under a product page, shop page or even under any elements. Though, some of our features required a pro version of our Wishlist plugin.

7000+Support Issue Solved

4.5 Star Rating

24,571+ Total Downloads

List Of Features

  • Any post type support
  • Category, tags, custom taxonomy support
  • Date, month, year pages support
  • Author pages support
  • Home, search, 404 pages support
  • Custom link support
  • Ready WooCommerce
  • Unlimited wishlist by any user
  • Public or private wishlist
  • User can edit wishlist
  • User can delete wishlist
  • Default wishlist id
  • Wishlist archive page
  • Breadcrumb on wishlist page
  • Total wishlisted count by post id
  • Wishlist button font size
  • Wishlist button custom color
  • Wishlist view count
  • Wishlist thumb up & down vote
  • Social share on wishlist
  • Copy to duplicate others user wishlist
  • Search wishlist

Post Type, Taxonomy and URL Support

Any Post-type Support

The wishlist button can now be displayed automatically under any post type, using shortcodes anywhere under the post loop.

Category, Tags & Taxonomy Terms Support

Organize your wishlists easily by adding categories, tags, or custom labels for better browsing.

Post Author Support

It’s possible to link wishlists with their creators by attaching wishlists to authors.

Archive Pages Date, Month, Page Support

Our wishlist plugin can add date, month, year page to wishlist item or make as favorite.

Home, 404 Page Support

If you’d like, you can consider adding a homepage and a 404 page to your wishlist.

Search Pages Support

User can add different search pages to their wishlist or make them as favorite items so that they can find their search result page later easily.

Ready for WooCommerce

Our plugin is ready to use for a WooCoomerce website. You can easily show the wishlist button on single product pages or shop pages in any location. This means that you can place the button anywhere on the page, such as in the header, footer, sidebar, or product content. You can also customize the button’s appearance, such as the color, size, and text.

Wishlist for Non-WooCommerce Site

The exciting thing is you can use our Wishlist plugin for any website. It doesn’t have to be a woo-commerce website! For that reason, we came up with the idea of an offline wishlist! Users can mark anything as their wishlist and directly send it to someone by email.

Visibility Public or Private Wishlist

The best type of Wishlist for you depends on your needs and preferences. If you want to keep your Wishlist private, then a private one is the best option, or if you want to share your Wishlist with others, then a public wishlist is the best option for you. And fortunately, our Wishlist plugin supports both!

Wishlist archive

An archive page can help you to keep your wishlists organized and easy to find, and it’s a great way to share your wishlists with others. With our Wishlist plugin, you can dynamically set an archive page or with the shortcode. Also, you’re free to customize the pagination color, font size etc.

Wishlist Search

With the help of our Wishlist search, you can search for a wishlist by the name of the person who created the list. Also, you’re free to search by email or by the product that is on the list.

Customizable Single Wishlist Page

You can customize a single wishlist page by using the action hook and filter hook. Also, view count, vote, and social share features are already available on a single wishlist page.

Copy or Duplicate Wishlist

Imagine you have a wishlist for yourself, and you want to create another one for a friend or family member with some of the same items. Our Copy or Duplicate Wishlist feature allows you to quickly create a new list with the same products as a starting point, and then you can easily add or remove items to personalize it for the recipient.

Wishlist Search

With many wishlists on the archive page, our search function helps you locate the exact wishlist you’re looking for. Simply enter your search term and find the wishlist you need in seconds.

Shortcode Support

If your wishlist plugin does not support shortcodes, you may be limited in how you can display your wishlists. In this case, our wishlist plugin got your back! We have shortcode support that will give you the flexibility and control you need to display your wishlists most effectively for your website.

Available Shortcodes

[wishlist_button id=”123″ obj_type=”post” show_count=”yes” show_menu=”yes” icon_active=”” icon_inactive=”” icon_loading=””]

Short-code inside content for fixed post id you can use anywhere inside content

<?php echo echo do_shortcode( ‘[wishlist_button id=”123″ obj_type=”post” show_count=”yes” show_menu=”yes” icon_active=”” icon_inactive=”” icon_loading=”” ]’ ); ?>

Shortcode inside loop by dynamic post id you can use anywhere inside loop on .php files.


To display a user’s wishlist on a specific page, use the shortcode [my_wishlist]. This allows users to see the items they’ve saved.


The [wishlist_archive] shortcode creates a page that lists all the wishlists on your website. This can be helpful for administrators to manage user wishlists.

Supported Parameters

  • id : integer or url
  • obj_type : post, term, author, url
  • show_count : yes , no
  • show_menu : yes , no
  • icon_active : string(html) – Font awesome icons html
  • icon_inactive : string(html) – Font awesome icons html
  • icon_loading : string(html) – Font awesome icons html
  • icon_menu : string(html) – Font awesome icons html


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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can create multiple wishlists with different items using the plugin.

Absolutely, you can easily share your wishlists with friends and family via email or social media.

Yes, our Wishlist WordPress plugin allows for customization of your wishlist page to match your website’s theme.

Users have the ability to search for specific items within a wishlist for easy navigation.