Page Select

Display page select input fields can use select, radio, multi-select, checkbox and etc.

Via Select2 Field.

    'id'		=> 'page_select_field',
    'title'		=> __('Page select  Field','text-domain'),
    'details'		=> __('Description of multi select2 for Page list field','text-domain'),
    //'multiple'        => true,
    'type'		=> 'select2',



WordPress Option Framework

Via Select Field.

    'id'		=> 'page_select_field',
    'title'		=> __('Page select  Field','text-domain'),
    'details'		=> __('Description of multi select2 for Page list field','text-domain'),
    //'multiple'        => true,
    'type'		=> 'select',

WordPress Option Framework

Via Radio Field.

    'id'		=> 'page_select_field',
    'title'		=> __('Page select  Field','text-domain'),
    'details'		=> __('Description of multi select2 for Page list field','text-domain'),
    'type'		=> 'radio',

WordPress Option Framework

Via checkbox Field.

    'id'		=> 'page_select_field',
    'title'		=> __('Page select  Field','text-domain'),
    'details'		=> __('Description of multi select2 for Page list field','text-domain'),
    //'multiple'        => true,
    'type'		=> 'checkbox',

WordPress Option Framework