How to Create Basic Form?

You can create input field for forms by using class  FormFieldsGenerator() , there is 40+ input type defined under this class, you can use methods to display form input fields and use for any type form, like contact form, front end post submission form and etc, you will need handle the form data by yourself.

Here is the example form code you can display by shortcode  [basic_form_display]



function basic_form_display_function(){

    $FormFieldsGenerator = new FormFieldsGenerator();

    $error = '';

    if(isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response']) && !empty($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])){

        // Process
        $_wpnonce = isset($_POST['nonce_field']) ? $_POST['nonce_field'] : '';

        if(wp_verify_nonce( $_wpnonce, 'nonce_field_action' )) {

            $first_name = isset($_POST['first_name']) ? $_POST['first_name'] : '';
            $last_name = isset($_POST['last_name']) ? $_POST['last_name'] : '';
            $gender = isset($_POST['gender']) ? $_POST['gender'] : '';
            update_option('dummy_option_first_name', $first_name);
            update_option('dummy_option_last_name', $last_name);
            update_option('dummy_option_gender', $gender);
            <pre><?php echo var_export($_POST, true); ?></pre>
            $error = 'There is an error! 1';

        // Error
        $error = 'There is an error! 2';



    <div class="fieldsGenerator">
        <div class="error" style="color: #f00">

                echo $error;
        <form action="#" method="post">

    echo '<link rel="stylesheet"  href="'.FFG_PLUGIN_URL.'css/fieldsGenerator.css">';
    echo '<link rel="stylesheet"  href="">';

    $args = array(
        'id'		    => 'first_name',
        //'field_name'	=> 'text_field', // optional
        'title'		    => __('First Name','text-domain'),
        'details'	    => __('Description of first name','text-domain'),
        'value'		    => '',
        'default'		=> __('','text-domain'),
        'placeholder'   => __('First Name','text-domain'),

    echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_text($args);

    $args = array(
        'id'		    => 'last_name',
        //'field_name'	=> 'text_field', // optional
        'title'		    => __('Last Name','text-domain'),
        'details'	    => __('Description of last name','text-domain'),
        'value'		    => '',
        'default'		=> __('','text-domain'),
        'placeholder'   => __('Last Name','text-domain'),
    echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_text($args);

    $args = array(
        'id'		=> 'gender',
        'title'		=> __('Your Gender','text-domain'),
        'details'	=> __('Description of gender','text-domain'),
        'default'		=> '',
        'value'		=> '',
        'args'		=> array(
            'male'	=> __('Male','text-domain'),
            'famale'	=> __('Famale','text-domain'),
            'others'	=> __('Others','text-domain'),

    echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_radio($args);
    $args = array(
        'id'		    => 'google_recaptcha_field',
        'title'		    => __('Google recaptcha Field','text-domain'),
        'details'	    => __('Description of google recaptcha field','text-domain'),
        'version'		=> 'v2', // v2, v3
        'action_name'	=> 'action_name', // for v3
        'site_key'		=> '6LeuYiUTAAAAAF5OmlN8CNQTavIuhbzth9oqC-vC',
        'secret_key'    => '',
    echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_google_recaptcha($args);

    $args = array(
        'id'		    => 'nonce_field',
        'title'		    => __('Nonce Field','text-domain'),
        'details'	    => __('Description of nonce field','text-domain'),
        'action_name'		=> 'nonce_field_action',
    echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_nonce($args);

    $args = array(
        'id'		    => 'submit_field',
        'title'		    => __('Text Field','text-domain'),
        'details'	    => __('Description of text field','text-domain'),
        'value'		    => 'Submit',
        'default'		=> __('Default Text Value','text-domain'),
        'placeholder'   => __('Text value','text-domain'),
    echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_submit($args);


    return ob_get_clean();