Category Question Answer


add_filter(‘qa_q_submitted_thank_you’,’qa_q_submitted_thank_you_custom’); function qa_q_submitted_thank_you_custom($message){ $message = __(‘Your custom message’,’question-answer’); return $message; }  


Add custom input field under question submission form. add_action(‘qa_question_submit_form’, ‘qa_question_submit_form_custom’, 30); function qa_question_submit_form_custom(){ $custom = isset($_POST[‘custom’]) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘custom’]) : “”; ?> <div class=”qa-form-field-wrap”> <div class=”field-title”><?php esc_html_e(‘Custom input field’,’question-answer’); ?></div> <div class=”field-input”> <input type=”text” value=”<?php echo esc_attr($custom); ?>” name=”custom”> <p class=”field-details”><?php…

Conflict with SEO Yoast Plugins

There is a conflict with Yoast plugin, if you want to quick fix, please follow Please edit following file on Yoast plugin wordpress-seo\admin\links\class-link-watcher.php and commented out the line or remove. //$content = apply_filters( ‘the_content’, $content ); and then save/update file,…