Category Job Board Manager – Search

Search form add remove input fields

Search form add remove input fields 1

You can add or remove input fields as you want, please use following action hook to remove input fields   // remove keyword remove_action(‘job_bm_job_search_form’, ‘job_bm_job_search_form_keyword’); // remove categories remove_action(‘job_bm_job_search_form’, ‘job_bm_job_search_form_categories’, 20); // remove salary_type remove_action(‘job_bm_job_search_form’, ‘job_bm_job_search_form_salary_type’, 30); // remove salary_range…

How to display search form?

How to display search form? 2

To display search form you need to use following shortcode to sidebar widget, [job_bm_search] View post on View post on Also need to define your archive page. View post on  

Hot to style big search box

if you want to add custom styling for input fields on Big search you will need to override default CSS, .big-search-box{ /* Main Container CSS Here */ background: #70dcff none repeat scroll 0 0; } .big-search-box .keyword-wrap { /* Keyword…


Big Search use for home page big area search box. one your visitor start typing it will display ajax list of keyword, use following shortcode for display Big Search Box [job_bm_big_search] Your visitor will redirect to Job search page which…