Category Breadcrumb

How to activate license?

How to activate license? 1

How to activate license? After installing pro version of breadcrumb you will see the license under settings navs. Please follow this link to get your license keys Copy your license key and paste on settings input field and then…

Install pro version

Install pro version 2

How to upgrade pro version? Install free version of breadcrumb first. please download plugin from this link Then install pro version by downloading from our website, you can get plugin zip file from My account > Downloads  Free version…

Video tutorials

Video tutorials 3

Install & setup Limit link text Customize home text Install pro and setup [Premium] Hide on archives [Premium] Hide by post types [Premium] Hide by post ids [Premium] Change style Build your own breadcrumb Customize breadcrumb items


breadcrumb_main_item_loop 4

add_action(‘breadcrumb_main_item_loop’, ‘breadcrumb_main_item_loop_20200203’); if(!function_exists(‘breadcrumb_main_item_loop_20200203’)) { function breadcrumb_main_item_loop_20200203($item){ //echo ‘<pre>’.var_export($item, true).'</pre>’; ?> <span>Loop item text</span> <?php } } View post on


breadcrumb_main 5

add_action(‘breadcrumb_main’, ‘breadcrumb_main_20200203’); if(!function_exists(‘breadcrumb_main_20200203’)) { function breadcrumb_main_20200203(){ ?> <p>Hello text</p> <?php } } View post on


breadcrumb_themes_css 6

  add_filter(‘breadcrumb_themes_css’, ‘breadcrumb_themes_css_20200203’); function breadcrumb_themes_css_20200203($breadcrumb_themes_css){ $breadcrumb_bg_color = get_option(‘breadcrumb_bg_color’,’#278df4′); ob_start(); ?> <style type=”text/css”> .breadcrumb-container.theme99 li { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .breadcrumb-container.theme99 a { background: <?php echo $breadcrumb_bg_color; ?>; display: inline-block; margin: 0 5px; padding: 5px 10px; text-decoration: none; } </style>…


breadcrumb_settings_tabs 7

Display tabs add_filter(‘breadcrumb_settings_tabs’, ‘breadcrumb_settings_tabs_20200203’); function breadcrumb_settings_tabs_20200203($settings_tabs){ $current_tab = isset($_POST[‘tab’]) ? $_POST[‘tab’] : ‘options’; $settings_tabs[] = array( ‘id’ => ‘custom_atb’, ‘title’ => sprintf(__(‘%s Custom’,’breadcrumb’),'<i class=”fas fa-star-of-life”></i>’), ‘priority’ => 99, ‘active’ => ($current_tab == ‘custom_atb’) ? true : false, ); return $settings_tabs;…


breadcrumb_theme_args 8

You can add add_filter(‘breadcrumb_theme_args’, ‘breadcrumb_theme_args_20200203’); function breadcrumb_theme_args_20200203($themes){ // Enabled $themes[‘theme_custom’]= array(‘name’=>’Theme Custom’,’thumb’=> breadcrumbAddon_plugin_url.’assets’); //Disabled $themes[‘theme_custom2’]= array(‘name’=>’Theme Custom2′,’thumb’=> breadcrumbAddon_plugin_url.’assets’, ‘disabled’=>true, ‘pro_msg’=>’Only in pro’); return $themes; } View post on


breadcrumb_link_url 9

FIlter hook for filter breadcrumb links url, you can override urls via this filter hook add_filter(‘breadcrumb_link_url’, ‘breadcrumb_link_url_20200203’); function breadcrumb_link_url_20200203($link){ if(is_singular(‘post’)): $link .= ‘#some_id’; endif; return $link; }   View post on


breadcrumb_link_text 10

Filter hook for breadcrumb link texts, you can override or filter link text or title. add_filter(‘breadcrumb_link_text’, ‘breadcrumb_link_text_20200203’); function breadcrumb_link_text_20200203($title){ if(is_singular(‘post’)): $title .= ‘ – Hello’; endif; return $title; } View post on  


breadcrumb_items_array 11

You can change custom home text via filter hook as following. function breadcrumb_items_array($items){ //echo ‘<pre>’.var_export($items, true).'</pre>’; $items[1] = array ( ‘link’ => ”, ‘title’ => ‘Home Custom’, //’location’ => ‘is_page’, ); return $items; } add_filter(‘breadcrumb_items_array’, ‘breadcrumb_items_array’); Hide by category id…