The online advertising industry is one the rise. To earn maximum return from the WordPress blogging, business and corporate platforms, website owners are found to look for the best WordPress advertising plugin to display glamorous text, images, and videos, which constantly try to catch visitors attention and allure them to land their clicks on and get to the destination where site owners want to. But in 2016, visitors seldom tend to click on those ads and even some enabled AdBlock in their browser. Thinking to how to deal with this situation, right?
There are many of advertising plugins, WordPress webmasters give recommendations for, but the technology and taste of site visitors are changing fast. Plenty of WordPress advertising plugins can’t cope up with the fast moving trend and technological evolvement. Can’t convince? Head to Google’s official Adsense written by Google received mixed feedback from the users.
So, I’ve created a list of ads plugins gets updated frequently and comply with all new changes and movements of user engagement. If you can successful pick up the best match for your site niche, I bet you have all your online advertising strategies getting kicked in and success filling the bucket without deploying extra effort. Let’s dig in.

Table of Contents
Advanced Ads
A powerful WordPress ads management system to manage your online ads and optimization for maximum CTA. The Advance Ads has the tight support of AdSense, ad injection, ad planning and ad rotation. The plugin is lightweight, can fit with any of WordPress themes without any code conflict. Advance Ads is glutted with features to present various type advertisement based your heaps of condition.
The plugin can display banner ads, embeddable ads, video ads in anywhere in WordPress like posts, pages, sidebar, header, footer, and custom templates. Best suited for WordPress website running affiliate programs, like Clickbank, Amazon, Chitika and more.

Advanced Advertising System
Another tool to generate revenue selling ads zone slot seamlessly. Advanced Advertising System plugin is specially created for ads publishers who want to manage and control advertising campaigns based on pricing model (CPM, CPC, CPP). The plugin can create priority specific frontend ads zone, manage advertisers, schedule campaigns, create banner ads, and set pricing, ads rotation, timeout, and priority automatedly.
The advertising WordPress plugin is the best solution for if you want to publish the advertisement after crossing clicks and impression limit If you concerned about sam clicks or impression, It has a robust system developed to present that strictly.

Corner Ad
As the name implies, the Corner Ad helps to display ads through the website in their top corners. The WordPress ads plugin is equipped with page-flipping visual effect while hover, can visitors attention easily. Corner Ad is created using Flash, specialized for startlingly banner ads presentation, but can be utilized for the announcement, newsflashes, and other important contents seek visitors’ attention.
The plugin can count impression and clicks, take various images to randomly display, and change colors to suit with existing look of the websites.

WordPress Ad Widget
WordPress Ad Widget is a super simple and lightweight plugin to show your various types of ads in the WordPress sidebar. The widget is the best fit with any of WordPress website has widget areas are enabled anywhere in the website. The plugin is crafted especially for beginners those who want to be away from the chunky and heavier management interface.
With this WordPress ad plugin, you can integrate banner ads, video, audio, and any other 3rd party ads like Google AdSense, Buysellads, and more.

WP Advertize It
The feature packed one of the best WordPress plugins to display unlimited ads in WordPress post, pages, sidebar and widget areas with many of control handles. The plugin allows upload images directly from computer, media libraries and URLs. Make your advertisement more personal and engaging it accepts ads description, URL specification to open in same or different tabs, hover effect to grab the user attention.
WP Advertize It is frequently updated, comes with sellable Ad Block zone with an ability to handle effect and ads uploads directly from the AngularJs and Admin UI powered admin panel.

Advertising Manager
To easily place any type of rotatable ads inside the WordPress templates, sidebar, posts and widget, Advertising Manager has a supreme specialty, can allow you to target author, category, tags and any type of custom pages. The plugin is supplied with perfect analysis of your ads impression and clicks, and help you to fetch ads from popular networks like Google AdSense, Clickbank, and others.
The plugin has been developed with optimized codebase to support from mobile devices to high-resolution screen, does not conflict with popular WordPress plugins and themes.

Simple Ads Manager
Though the plugin occurs code conflict with some of the themes and plugins, yet Simple Ads Manager is considered the most downloaded and reliable ads plugin in the directory. To provide all round the support for online advertising management, it has assembled with features you find time-saving and helpful.
Simple Ads Manager is well-equipped with tons of ads display logics, that let you display ads based on users behavior and activities. The plugin can target author, category, tags and other custom post types, which give you privilege to create personalize advertising area with trackable clicks and impressions facilities.

Ad Inserter
Ad inserter has been deliberately developed for AdSense and Contextual Amazon adds, which accepts any form of HTML/CSS/Javascript code to display interactive and engaging ads throughout the WordPress. The plugins many of automated ads publishing options like display before content, display Before Content (before a post or page text), display before selected paragraph, display after selected paragraph, display after content (after post or page text) and likewise other more. The plugin has advanced ads display option packed, give you an opportunity to rule the digital advertising industry with ease.

Meks Easy Ads Widget
To make web advertisement viable and extraordinary, Meks Easy Ads Widget turns the wheel of revolution. The plugin simple and lightweight, optimized for providing compatibility with the mobile phone, iPhone, iPad, notebook, touch devices, The plugin can help you present the advertisement in widgetized areas with sleek and slider and rotator.
TheWordPress advertising plugin has numerous options provided, allow you to randomize ads order and choose the size of advertisement slots according to your need.
Bottom Line
I’ve dropped a couple of popular WordPress advertising plugins from my list because the lack updates and interactive interface, but they might be updated in the days to come, let me know I missed the most downloaded and get updated after my writing. I’ll add them in my list.