You might have noticed before launching a brand, products or services; business owners try to make their targeted customers engage till the launching date through the social media postings, digital or television advertisement. But when you want to sell through your eCommerce website, the strategy would be different. Your product could be ready, but your eShop website wouldn’t. In this period, you can promote your products through you associate marketing channels and make familiar your domain name among your customers.
I think, you might be thinking without a website will it be a good idea to drive traffic to site domain address, right?
In this circumstance, we can use coming soon & maintenance mode plugin. Such plugins can keep track on the visitors gathering and capture their emails address. Curious to know the reason of email capturing, right?
When you website goes live, you can inform them immediately to those who dropped their emails expressing high interest of your site launching.
The coming soon & maintenance mode plugins can be used while repairing the main website or fixing errors. If you don’t put such in the time of maintenance, your site bounce rate would be high, may cause fall of your search ranking badly.

Table of Contents
Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd
The Plugin by SeedProd is the most popular coming soon and maintenance mode WordPress extension that builds dynamic landing pages from where site visitors can get informed about your message that you want to deliver. The plugin is lightweight and mobile friendly, can easily be fit inside cell phones, smartphones tablets, notebooks, desktop and more. The plugin is highly customizable, support Multisite, BuddyPress, i18n and popular WordPress themes. You can customize the plugin view on your own and bring the look according to your requirement.

Coming soon and Maintenance mode
The plugin is a fantastic tool to create coming soon & maintenance mood page with ease. The plugin simple, minimal, quickly allows you to create responsive coming pages for your website without any coding knowledge required. The plugin is easy to install, shipped with a variety of page variations which includes video background, countdown timer, subscription form, custom logo updates, social media button and progress bar. And each of the settings can be configured through a powerful admin panel.
EZP Coming Soon Page
EZP Coming Soon Page plugin professionally handles when to enable coming soon page and when to disable. After turning on the coming soon mode, the plugin can send indication. On top of that, you can add your business data and see frontend preview from the WordPress backend. EZP Coming Soon Page plugin create SEO optimized, and translatable outputs are considered notable for showing subscription list directly from the admin panel and adding social media icons.

Coming Soon CC
Coming Soon CC is an elegant and marvelous solution to create amazing coming soon and under construction pages in no times. The plugin is professionally built up, shipped with unique design variations. The plugin is responsive and SEO friendly, you can customize plugin look without coding. Coming Soon CC support Google fonts, social media integration, and email notification. The plugin is equipped with email marketing tools which can capture leads for your convenience.

Easy Coming Soon
Creatively crafted the Easy Coming Soon plugin is the best match for those who want to kickstart their official website after a month or a particular time. But with a bare domain, they can promote their business product and services. The plugin is glutted with excellent pre-lunching and under construction page with ease, can set you page title description and other SEO elements to bring visitors through the search engines. The plugin is quickly customizable, let you add Google analytics codes and view live previews.
Ultimate Coming Soon Page
This is the complete package to quickly build stunning Coming soon and maintenance mode website in the quickest possible time. The plugin modern and creative comes with email collector with FeedBurner. To control the typography and site contents, It included Google font support and customized with CSS and HTML. The plugin is translation ready, multisite and BuddyPress supported. You can change background and images quickly, can be compatible with all modern browsers.

Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode
The plugin is minimal, and maintenance mode plugin allows you to set up under construction website instead of an official website. The plugin is flexible and easy to use, can be installed any of WordPress website with any hassle. The coming soon plugin comes with many of content customizing elements, let you change your overall site look quickly. It supports MailChimp to collect emails, analytics to keep track visitors movements, CSS, and HTML customizer to change frontend view.
IgniteUp comes with trendy and cutting-edge templates to enable coming soon, maintenance mode, and under construction website quickly. The plugin is combined with all your needs to make your website user populated. The IgniteUp is built with email subscription form, contact form, location map, video background, powerful animation effects, and more. You can export email subscriber list in CSV files, integrated with Mailchimp and Mailpoet, can be tailored with any of WordPress theme.
Site Offline or Coming Soon
The plugin is an automated solution to enable maintenance mode when you go for site construction or repairing. It means when you start making changes to your official website; visitors won’t see the official version of site home page, they will be displayed under construction page automatically. If your site processes multiple administrator accounts, it will add an admin notice on the backend for others when anyone start making changes in the forend. The plugin is as easy to install as others I intended above.

Under Construction / Maintenance Mode from Acurax
Under Construction / Maintenance,Mode plugin from Acurax enables elegantly crafted templates, comes with five mobile friendly themes to choose according to your brand appearance. The plugin suitable for small to large business comes with countdown timer, subscription for email collection, SEO configuration, and access control system.