Best Related Post Plugin for WordPress

The Related Post plugin is a great way to improve the user experience on your website. Our plugin uses a variety of features to determine which posts are related, including the post’s content, tags, categories, and author. It’s easy to use and allows customization of elements like Post title, Post thumbnail and Post excerpt.

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List Of Features

  • Display on custom post type
  • Display on categories
  • Display on tags
  • Display on author page
  • Display on month page
  • Display on date page
  • Display on year page
  • Display on Blog page
  • Display on Home page
  • Display on custom taxonomies
  • Display before/after content
  • Display before/after excerpt
  • N’th paragraph on content
  • Custom headline text
  • Click tracking
  • Related post on slider
  • Slider custom column number
  • Popup related post Pro!
  • Custom HTML after post title Pro!
  • Custom HTML after post excerpt Pro!
  • Custom HTML after post thumbnail Pro!
  • Link target for post title Pro!
  • Link target for post excerpt Pro!
  • Link target for post thumbnail Pro!
  • 4 Popup visible action Pro!
  • 8 Popup positions Pro!
  • Popup custom delay Pro!


Related Post Layout Type

Our Related Post WordPress plugin offers both grid and slider layouts for displaying related posts. Sliders can be particularly effective in grabbing attention and prompting users to explore related content, on the other hand, grid layouts offer a clear overview of multiple posts.
Choose the perfect layout to match your content and keep visitors hooked.

Customizable Related Post Elements

We’ve provided a comprehensive set of customization options for each related post element, allowing you to fine-tune their appearance and create a visually appealing and cohesive look that aligns with your website’s design.

Manual Post Selection

Manual selection allows you to leverage your expertise and understanding of your content to handpick the most relevant and engaging posts for each article. This exceeds the limitations of algorithms and ensures that the suggestions truly align with your overall content strategy and reader interests.

Related Post N’th Positions

You have the flexibility to select which paragraphs you want to use as triggers for displaying related posts. For example, you could choose to display them after the first, second, third, or before the last paragraph.

Related Post in Slider

Easily display related posts in a customizable carousel slider with responsive column settings. Customize slider navigation position, speed, and auto-play, and more settings from slider settings.

Advance Related Post Query

Our Related Post plugin offer flexibility to query related posts based on various taxonomies, including categories, post tags, and post formats. This enables you to create highly relevant and contextual connections between your content, enabling deeper engagement and exploration.

Related Post Under Archive Page

We offer the functionality to display related posts underneath archive pages. Our plugin uses different algorithms to determine which posts are related to the content displayed on the archive page. This might involve analyzing factors like categories, tags, titles, and content similarity.

Related Post Click Track

The Related Post Click Track feature of our plugin is designed to monitor user interactions, specifically the clicks on suggested related posts. Within the plugin settings, users have the ability to access analytics that reveal which categories of related posts engage users the most.

Related Post in Popup

Display related post in a customizable popup window that triggers on scroll, delay, or at the end of your content. Fine-tune the popup’s appearance with adjustable delay, scroll offset, and device-specific width and positioning for a seamless user experience across all devices.

Related Post

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Available Shortcodes


To display the related posts, you can use this shortcode under the post or page content.

[related_post post_ids=”1752,1743″]

Short-code inside content for fixed post id you can use anywhere inside content.

<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[related_post post_ids=”1752,1743″]’ ); ?>

Shortcode inside loop by dynamic post id you can use anywhere inside loop on .php files.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this work with the latest version of WordPress?

Yes, this plugin should work with the latest version of WordPress, if you find any issues please let us know we will fix them immediately.

Does this work with my themes?

Yes, this plugin should work with all themes, if you found any issue please contact our support will try to fix it.