WooCommerce Product Slider – No Product to Slide

WooCommerce Product Slider - No Product to Slide 1
Apr 29, 2017 11:11 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Apr 2017
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I am using the free version of the product slider plugin. It was working ok, but i've noticed it now says "No Product to Slide". I have ticket the query product options of show featured product display and on sale product display. I have a number of featured products, all of which have variable pricing, and all on sale. Please advise why no products are appearing in the slider?


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WooCommerce Product Slider - No Product to Slide 4
Apr 29, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Have you update the plugin and Woo-Commerce also, WC 3.0.0+ has changed query featured product structure. we have already update this issue.

Please take a test first only displaying featured product and another one with on-sale product. please let me know the result.


WooCommerce Product Slider - No Product to Slide 5
- May 14, 2017 07:34 PM
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Thanks, you were right. Upgrading to WC v3 fixed the issue.

Kind regards

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