Who to remove the text under the photos

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Who to remove the text under the photos 1
Hershel Gau
Apr 27, 2020 07:32 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Apr 2020
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Hi, I just switched from a different plugin to yours and I can't  seem to get the text under my photos from showing on the home page.  I just want the photo and the Name that they can click to go to that post, I don't want the other stuff that's showing under the name. The read more option could stay but other than that just that name needs displayed. What is showing now isn't even being shown formatted as it is.  Please help? Thank you!

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Who to remove the text under the photos 1
Who to remove the text under the photos 3
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Who to remove the text under the photos 4
Apr 27, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

You can remove or add any element on layout editor, please check this video.




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