Hello Support.
I saw this discussion thread here started by your support team: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/accordions-export-import-issue-here-is-the-solution/
But that link is now a dead link.
Where can I download this importer/exporter plugin as none of the other options are working.
Thanks in advance.
Welcome to our forum.
you will need to remove the empty line on your accordion content, please check each accordion,
its seems the issue not accordions but bug of “WordPress Importer” plugin
The issue is happening when your accordions content has line break and its failed to recognize by importer and finally import nothing and its empty that’s why accordions content showing “Demo Content”
The importer we created also not work if the empty line issue not solved.
Not sure why this response was made to this thread as it seems out of place.
I was asking for the link from where I can download and install the import/export plugin that you guys had linked to in the thread above in the plugins Help Forum.
I need that plugin to export all my accordions to the live site from the test site. None of the other import/export options are working.