wcps fatal error memory exhausted

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wcps fatal error memory exhausted 1
Mar 26, 2019 02:18 PM 1 Answers
Member Since May 2018
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Product slider was working beautifully. Tried installing final slider on my home page and the plugin is overloading the memory. My php setting for max execution time is 180, max input time is 600, and the memory limit is already set to 256m.
tried settingmemory limit to 1G, this did not help. after changing back to 256M website is now completely down and have no access to my dashboard. this plugin has completely crashed my site. I have ftp access. when trying to load websit i now get error...ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT. I use really simple ssl, tested earlier no errors, now there is no communication to my website ip address. Dont even now where to troubleshoot at this point. have already went through the rigmarole of disabling all plugins. at first disabling wcps worked, was able to regain access. Now even with all plugin disabled cannot access website.

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wcps fatal error memory exhausted 1
wcps fatal error memory exhausted 3
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wcps fatal error memory exhausted 4
Mar 26, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Sorry to see this is happening,

if you have FTP access or cpanel access just go to plugins directory and rename the plugin folder

woocommerce-products-slider to  woocommerce-products-slider-backup

it will deactivate the plugin and hopefully you will able to login and site should restored.

Let me know for more help.




wcps fatal error memory exhausted 5
- Mar 27, 2019 03:03 PM
Flag (0)

thank you very much! don't know how the value "product_upsells" got into more query parameter, sorry.
I will also keep in mind max product limit in slider. Thank you so much for all of your help!

wcps fatal error memory exhausted 6
- Mar 27, 2019 02:52 PM
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Finally, i found the issue, i can see you have set the wrong parameter for "More query parameter" please see the screenshot what i found, this is causing the error "Undefined offset: "

i have removed this value and this solve the issue,

and another big issue is you set a very large number of "Max number of product" which definitely not recommended. this will definitely need very big amount of post query and you also use all wcps under same page which is make this post query very big, i found total 2803 which reached/exceed the wp query limit

Please see the screenshot



i have change value for "Max number of product" to 15 and the slider is working fine on your home page.
i would recommend using a small value for "Max number of product" like 20 or 30 will work fine.

Hope you understand.


wcps fatal error memory exhausted 5
- Mar 27, 2019 02:19 PM
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if you take a look at home page you will see how I am trying to implement them.

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