Ticket for: User Verification
Petrovszki Marcell
Dear PickPlugins,
I downloaded your User Verification plugin. Although I use Memberpress, when registrate I got the verification email just fine.
However it doesnt work like expected. I set a redirect url when the verification wa successful (to petromedia.hu/csomagok), however as soon as the customer clicks to the registration button I dont get any popup message to check email or something it goes straight to petromedia.hu/csomagok. Obviously, I get the email and I could verify the account, but I need a popup window during registration and after the user verified their email I want them to redirect to petromedia.hu/csomagok.
Also if the verification was unsuccessful I get an email like the verification was succesful, instead of getting a new verification email.
Hope you can hand me some solutions.
Thank you for your help,
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Hi Marcell,
Have you resolved this issue? When I tried to register, the redirection worked (screenshot: https://ibb.co/f9SfLbT). Also, the verification worked as expected (screenshot: https://ibb.co/6sbG2Z1).