User Verification – How To Edit Popups?

Ticket for: User Verification
User Verification - How To Edit Popups? 1
Jun 07, 2024 04:50 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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The popups for user verification aren't looking too spectacular... In fact, they're not visible at all.

If a user has dark mode enabled on the site then the pop-up makes the text white therefore hiding the verification message and stopping users from contacting staff about verification issues.

Is there a way to edit them, if so where?

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User Verification - How To Edit Popups? 2
Azizul Raju
Jun 07, 2024

Hi Klara,
Unfortunately, at the moment, we don't have options to customize the popup. However, we plan to add this feature in our next updates.

In the meantime, you can write some custom CSS code to customize your popup. Could you please share the URL of your site and let me know which theme you're using? This way, I can provide you with the specific code that will work for you.

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