
Ticket for: User Verification
Update 1
Feb 15, 2024 05:24 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Feb 2024
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Hi, will this plugin be updated soon? as I am wanting to test on my site however it is not compatible yet with the latest wordpress and so I am reluctant to try it out.

Thank you

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Update 2
Azizul Raju
Feb 17, 2024

Thanks for reaching out! While I'm glad to hear you're using the latest WordPress version, I understand functionality issues can be frustrating.

To help me troubleshoot effectively, could you please describe the specific problem you're encountering in more detail? The more information you can share, the better I can assist you.

Additionally, if you're comfortable sharing the registration URL of your website, it would allow me to take a closer look and pinpoint the issue more accurately.

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