Tinymce not working on question answer plugin

Tinymce not working on question answer plugin 1
Sep 22, 2017 07:51 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2017
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Hello, I have an issue with the tinymce editor in question answer plugin. It is not showing, and it is impossible to write an answer. The tinymce editor is working in every other part of the website, the problem is only in the submit question page and in the comment form. What could be happened?

Thank you in advance

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Tinymce not working on question answer plugin 1
Tinymce not working on question answer plugin 3
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Tinymce not working on question answer plugin 4
Sep 22, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please check any js error on question page? Also if possible please send me the url.



Tinymce not working on question answer plugin 5
- Sep 23, 2017 12:02 AM
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Thanks for your update, i will check the issue with this plugin. will let you know the result.


Tinymce not working on question answer plugin 6
- Sep 22, 2017 09:15 PM
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Thank you for your input, I didn't ever used the check for js error. It was a conflict with another plugin (something to get facebook feeds), now I disabled it and everything is going well. Sorry for bother you! If it can be of any help, the conflictual plugin is Facebook Feed WD.
Thank you!

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