Team Plugin: add Social Info and Meta fields to popup

Team Plugin: add Social Info and Meta fields to popup 1
Aug 03, 2017 10:59 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Dec 2016
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I'm using the Team Plugin Premium version and I would like to add more info to the Team Member Popup.

The team members already have information filled in, like facebook link and e-mail address.

How do I add this information to the popup page?

I already figured out that I had to change/extend the templates/popup.php using a filter:

$team_grid_filter_popup = apply_filters('team_grid_filter_popup',$html_popup);

But how do I access the member information from the social fields or the custom-fields?

This one works:

$team_member_position = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'team_member_position', true);

But how to replace 'team_member_position' with the Facebook link or Meta-field values?


Best regards,

Steven Groot

2 Subscribers
Team Plugin: add Social Info and Meta fields to popup 1
Team Plugin: add Social Info and Meta fields to popup 3
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Team Plugin: add Social Info and Meta fields to popup 4
Aug 03, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Sorry to say there is no filter hook for position text, you will have to re-generate all html for popup by filter hook

function team_grid_filter_popup_html(){ 
echo 'pop-up HTML goes here'; 


Let me know if you need more help.


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