Tabs and template single product elementor

Ticket for: Tabs for WordPress
Tabs and template single product elementor 1
Nov 24, 2023 11:13 PM 1 Answers
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I use the extension on woo commerce with Elementor and the Elementor templates for single page products. I've managed to integrate the tabs directly into my product sheets by selecting the appropriate tab for each product, so that it appears directly on the product sheet via the Elementor template. Unfortunately, this only works if I enter the longlet ID directly with the line of code widget... so it's always the same tabs that are displayed for all my products.

I'd like to add a line of code that allows the widget to look for the tab defined in the product file in the back office and automatically display it on the corresponding product in the front office.

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Tabs and template single product elementor 2
Azizul Raju
Nov 25, 2023

Hi Asma,
Welcome to PickPlugins.

I'm not sure if you're talking about our Tabs for WordPress plugin. Here is our plugin URL. Please double-check.

Please share some screenshot images so we can understand your issue better. You can host screenshot images on Imgur or imgbb and share the link with us.

Tabs and template single product elementor 3
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Hi Azizul

Thank you for your feedback.
Here are the links for the screenshots :

I do use your plugging, I put a screenshot of the wordpress back office, with Tabs :

I’ve created a Single product template that you’ll find in the screenshot. It’s written in French, sorry about that. :
In Elementor, when you create a product sheet template, it’s identical for all product sheets that use this template. But the “Tabs” plug-in only lets me select a particular tab, so it applies to all my products, whereas the information in the tabs is different for each product : You can see this in the screenshot.

I’m looking for a short code or a code that allows me to automatically display the tabs that have been defined in the product file (you can also see this in my screenshots) : (top right)

Could you tell me if this is possible?

Thanks for your help and have a nice day

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