Ticket for: User Verification
Once a user has completed the registration process, and payment, I would want the Order status to change to Pending (waiting for verification) and then Complete when verified. I want the user account to be set up after verification automatically.
I want the default user role as selected in WooCommerce settings to be "Distributor". But the role is being set as "Customer". How do I fix that?
- Is user account set up after registration (desired) or after verification or needs to be set up by user?
- I want the default user role to be set to Distributor. How do I fix that?
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We do not control the registration process. What we do is set up metadata for the user, and based on this, we manage whether the user can log in or not. Unfortunately, we do not have a feature that allows us to set the user's status as pending before verifying them.