show full title with links

show full title with links 1
Aug 09, 2024 02:44 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Aug 2024
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I'm using your Post Grid plug-in.  How can I show the full title of my post when using "Title with Link" layout?

Currently, my titles are getting truncated if the post title is too long.

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show full title with links 2
Azizul Raju
Aug 10, 2024

To assist you with the post grid title issue, it would be helpful to know which version you're using: the shortcode-based post grid or the Gutenberg block-based? We support both.

Assuming you're using the shortcode-based grid:
1. Let's find the specific layout you're using. Under the "Layouts" section, identify the one in question and switch it to edit mode. Here's a quick screenshot for reference:

2. Once in edit mode, click on the "Post Title" element within the layout builder. This will open the advanced settings. Make sure there's no character limit set under "Character Limits."
Screenshot for reference:

Finally, save your layout changes and see if the issue is resolved.

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