Set Accordion Width on Desktop Not Working

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
Set Accordion Width on Desktop Not Working 1
Nov 08, 2023 08:28 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Within the style menu of an accordion, I have set all three fields under container width ('In Desktop', 'In tablet & small desktop', 'In Mobile') to the same value of 50% as a test. The change works on mobile devices and tablets but not on my desktop. Are there any known bugs about this? How else can I set the desktop width please?

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Set Accordion Width on Desktop Not Working 2
Azizul Raju
Nov 13, 2023

Please install the latest version 2.2.94, and give it a try. I hope the latest version will resolve your issue.

Let us know the update.

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